
news from talin ...

I checked the blog and it looks quite good. The books you suggested are also worth reading deffinetly. I was in İrland performing and now bussy with the new piece I'm choreographing. Which actulally is coming out of our conflict with Masu. The movement that I wanted to try! I'm happy that it's finding it's place and maybe we can work on it in our next meeting in Girona or maybe not.

The piece is going well. It is about the body used in a different position. How to move and continue life in this possition? What would the relations be? How would they change? I starded to work on this piece starting from the idea of being a minority but then the body took over and it became something different which was great because now I can work with the body which is strongly there and with the concept that I first started with as well.

I wrote this thinking that it suits the idea of body and it is quiet different with the video in our blog. It seems like dance is going that way but this way as well.

There will be a dance festival in İstanbul during the DBM Meeting and before which starts on the 30'th of May till 10'th of April. We'll perform this piece on the 31'st of May.

Another news: Daniel Lepkoff just gave a workshop in Cati and told that he felt at home.
Transit- İstanbul 2007 will be happening in İstanbul in 25'th of June till 8'th of July. With some of you who would like to come we can meet in İstanbul before. I can host two people at my place.

I'm very excited for our next meetig. Since than we would be talking on many issues and feeding our brains I guess.

keep in touch and hoping to keep to feed our blog

Ciao from İstanbul
